
Gostalt aims to make scheduled jobs easier: instead of creating loads of cron jobs on your environment, you can instead create one:

* * * * * ./gostalt schedule

Gostalt has a component called schedule, which you can use to register commands. Commands should have two methods: Handle() and ShouldFire().

The Handle() method is responsible for running the actual job; you can use the full power of the Container to inject the database and any other requirements.

The ShouldFire() method determines if the job should be ran. You can use Go's time package to create easy-to-understand conditions:

func ShouldFire() bool {
	if time.Now().Minute() == 0 {
		return true

	return false

But, because this function returns a boolean, you can more powerfully determine if a job should execute or not: is the environment set to staging? If so, don't run the job. Is there only 5 records in the database? Don't run the job until there are 10. As long as the conditions can be boiled down to a true or false value, they can be used to determine if a job should fire.