
Cloning the Repository

To get started quickly, clone the fresh repository to your local machine:

git clone blog

Once the repo has been cloned successfully, you should copy the example .env file:

cd blog
cp .env.example .env

To start the project locally, just run:

./gostalt serve

By default, Gostalt is set to run on port 8080 locally. You can override this by changing the PORT value in .env file in the root of the project.

Using the Gostalt CLI Tool

The easiest way to get started is to download the Gostalt CLI utility. To do so, run go get -u

Once installed, the gostalt new command will create a new Gostalt project in the directory you specify. For example, to create a new project called blog:

gostalt new blog

The utility will feed back on the progress of creating the new project. Once the command has finished, navigate to the directory and run ./gostalt serve to start the project locally.

$ ./gostalt serve
Info: Server running at http://localhost:8080